How to Set Boundaries at Work

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Jennifer had been so excited to found her own company. To finally be able to set her own parameters of how she wanted to do business and to really bring her value. It was something she knew if she could just get the chance, she’d nail it. However, this business brought a new set of challenges she wasn’t expecting. First of all, her clients, who spanned time zones across the globe, literally wanted her time 24/7. Add to that these clients tended to be men starting their own tech companies – they thought they already knew everything and weren’t valuing her expertise.  

As we dug in, we found that she needed to stand for her value she was bringing these men that they really needed and creating boundaries so they would respect both her time and expertise. We were able to clear her limiting beliefs around respect and control. I gave her a custom phrase for before these challenging meetings: I can feel like I am being myself delivering excellent client service and value to my clients while maintaining my boundaries and integrity.  

Clearing this allowed her to focus her energy when meeting her clients, and take control of the narrative. Her confidence resulted in them listening more and taking on her recommendations. She now feels her time with her clients not only is respected, but that she is able to deliver more value to them in that time.  

Where can you set better boundaries?  Where could you actually deliver more by clarifying your value?

Contact me via the contact form or email to if you would like to discuss setting boundaries.


Negotiating your Value


The Value of Money